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Unit 6 Natural disasters and bad weather 学习目标-教师频道-【 扬州家教网 - YZJJW.NET】
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Unit 6 Natural disasters and bad weather 学习目标
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009/8/24 阅读:5089次 【字体:


一、 语音


  `natural    `earthquake    `accident    `rainstorm    `thunder    `shaking    `body

  `wildly     `over     `moment   `somebody    `chocolate   `hurry    `windy   `foggy

  `loudly   `everywhere   `daylight   `frosty   `temperature   `snowy   `order

  `cover   `victim   `heavy   `hotline   `serious   `terrible   `lady   `nearly

  `sandstorm   `signal   `warning   di`saster   ty`phoon   di`rection   ex`cuse

  ad`vise   con`dition   ar`rival    re`move   mobile `phone


  a(c)cident   dire(c)tion   cho(c)olate   wil(d)ly   lou(d)ly   vi(c)tim   ho(t)line

  san(d)storm   si(g)nal   I shoul(d)n’(t) stay here for too long.

3. 句子重音和语调

  `Can I `come in, ↗Eddie? `Sure, `come↘ in.

  `Did I `really ↗survive? 

  `When did it ↗happen?

  Was `anybody ↘hurt?

  ↗Luckily, `nobody was `hurt as it was a `school↘holiday.



  natural, earthquake, accident, wash, storm, rainstorm, thunder, shaking, body, scream,

fear, bomb, shake, direction, wildly, brick, calm, over, moment, since, somebody, hurry,

chocolate, daylight, loudly, everywhere, cloud, wind, windy, fog, foggy, frost, frosty, as,

drop, snowy, excuse, advise, warn, lock, order, cover, arrival, heavy, hit, lady, nearly,

sandstorm, warning.

2. 词组

  be trapped                         陷入困境

  mobile phone                       手机

  come in                            进来

  mop…up…                          拖干

  Natural Disasters                  自然灾害

  school newsletter                  学校期刊

  thunder and lightning              雷电交加

  fall from a tree                   从树上跌下

  a shopping center                  购物中心

  a slight shaking                   微震

  run in all directions              到处奔跑

  run out of                         跑出

  come down                          倒下

  say to oneself                     自言自语

  a moment of fear                   一丝恐惧

  calm down                          平静下来

  shout for help                     大声呼救

  a packet of chocolate              一袋巧克力


  Close the windows.                 关好窗子。

  Don’t run down the stairs.        下楼梯时不要跑。

  Mr. Wu told us to go home.         吴老师叫我们回答。

  The weather today is sunny but it’ll be cloudy tomorrow.





1.时间状语从句:由as,after,as soon as,before,since,until,when,whenever,while等连词引导。

  As he explored the sea,he took a lot of pictures.他在探海时,拍了许多照片。

  As soon as he arrived in France,he called me.他一到法国,就给我打电话。

  He has been in Shanghai since he was born.他一出生就住在上海。

  Don’t come in until you are called.叫你再进来。

  Whenever we’re in trouble,he’ll help us.每当我们有麻烦,他就会来帮助我们。

  While I was watching TV,the bell rang.当我看电视时,铃响了。


  I didn’t go surfing,because it was too cold.因为天太冷,我不去冲浪。

  As the car is expensive,we can’t buy it.由于汽车太贵,我们买不起。


  If you travel in India,you can use English everywhere.


  I won’t pass the exam unless I work hard.如果我不努力学习,就考试不及格。


  Canoeing is not as(so)interesting as sailing(is).乘独木舟没有航海有趣。

  Li Lei swims better than Jim (does).李雷游泳比吉姆游得好。


  He was so weak that he couldn’t walk on.他身体太弱,以致他再也走不动了。

6.目的状语从句:由so,so that等引导。

  We’ll sit near the front so we can hear the speaker better.


  He sat in the dark so that he couldn’t be seen.他坐在暗处因此没有人能看到他。

7.让步状语从句:由although,even though等引导。

  Although the traffic was heavy,we got to the railway station on time.


  Even though he is eighty,he looks strong and healthy.



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