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Unit 3 A day out 【知识讲解】-学生频道-【 扬州家教网 - YZJJW.NET】
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Unit 3 A day out 【知识讲解】
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Unit 3  A  day  out


   1.What are you doing?有两个含义:

    ①What are you doing?你在干什么?表示动作正在进行。

    I’m writing a letter.我在写信。

    ②What are you doing?你将要干什么?(你打算干什么?)表示动作还未发生。

    I’m going to exercise.我要去锻炼。

   2. I’m going to exercise.我要去锻炼。


    ①不及物动词,“练习,锻炼”。例如:I need to exercise.我需要锻炼。


    exercise the voice吊嗓

    exercise boys in swimming训练男孩游泳


    Walking is good exercise.散步是很好的运动。


    physical exercises语法练习

    do morning exercises做早操


    an exercise in grammar语法练习

    do exercises做练习,做习题


    exercises for the violin小提琴练习

    exercises on the piano钢琴练习

   3. You need to exercise and keep fit.你需要锻炼身体,保持健康。


    You needn’t go yet, need you? 你不一定要去,是吗?

    Need you look after your children on Sunday? 星期天你需要照看孩子吗?

    ②及物动词,“需要,要”。The garden needs rain.花园需要雨水。

    “必要;必须”。It needs to be done carefully.此事必须仔细地做。

    “值得;该有”。The thief needs a good beating.这小偷应被好好揍一顿。

    ③名词,“需要;困境”(不可数名词)。There’s no need for you to wait.你不必等。

    (用复数)“必需品;要求”。We bought some needs yesterday.昨天我们买了些必需品。

    My needs are few.我的需要很少。

    keep fit“保持健康”=keep healthy.

   4. Come on, Hobo. Let’s enjoy ourselves.  快来吧,霍波,让我们玩得开心点。

    enjoy oneself=have a good/great time, have fun, 表示“玩得愉快”,ourselves 是反身代词,在句中作谓语动词enjoy的宾语,“我们自己”。其他反身代词还有 myself (我自己),yourself (你自己),yourselves (你们自己),himself (他自己), herself (她自己),themselves(他们自己)。作同位语时,表示“亲自”。例如:

    He enjoyed himself during the weekend.在周末他玩得很高兴。

    I will go there myself.我将亲自去那儿。

   5.Yesterday I took a boat trip under the famous Bridge and went past the Opera House.昨天我坐船游览了著名的海港大桥并经过悉尼歌剧院。

    ①take a boat trip “坐船旅行”,类似的短语还有take a bus/train trip, go on a trip.  “trip ”多指来往有定期的短途旅行。

    ②go past“走过,路过,经过”。Kate went past the shop.凯特路过那个商店。

   6.We are setting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine.我们正坐在赛纳河边的一个小咖啡店。

    ①a little一点儿;稍微

    例如:There is a little water in the cup. 杯子里有一些水。

    This dress is a little short for me.这件衣服对我来说短了一点。

    〖注意〗little和a little的区别。两个词虽都有“一点儿”,但前者侧重于“极少、几乎没有”,含有否定之意;而后者a little强调虽然不多但却“有一点”,有肯定的含义。例如:

    There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有点水。

    There is little water in the glass.杯子里几乎没有水。

    ②by the River Seine在赛纳河边

    by介词,“靠近;在……旁边”:She sits by the windows.她坐在那扇窗子旁边。其它含义:

    “乘(车、船等交通工具)”:Tom often goes to school by bike.汤姆常骑自行车上学。

    “在……时间;在……期间”:The enemy attacked by night.敌人夜间来袭。

    “(指时间)不迟于”:Can you finish the work by tomorrow?你能在明天以前把工作做完吗?

    “(用于被动语态)被”:The blackboard was broken by sb.黑板被人打破了。

    “(表示方法、手段等)用;靠”:He makes a living by teaching.他靠教书为生。

    7. I am having a wonderful time here.我在这儿过得非常愉快。

have a wonderful time=have a good/nice/great time“玩得高兴,过得愉快”。

    同义词组:enjoy oneself, have fun


    Yesterday we had a good time in the park.

    = Yesterday we enjoyed ourselves in the park.

    = Yesterday we had fun in the park.

   8.Kitty’s teacher Mr. Wu invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park.凯蒂的老师吴老师邀请我和他们的校旅游团一起去了世界公园。

    invite sb to do sth“邀请某人干某事”。例如:

    They warmly invited us to come and live with them.他们热情地邀请我们去和他们同住。

   9.It was a great day but we did not enjoy it at the beginning.



    Now it is beginning of the new term.现在是新学期的开始。

    at the beginning (of)“在……开始时”。例如:

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, China began to use machines.


   10.Kitty and I felt sick of most of the trip.凯蒂和我一路上大部分时间都感到不舒服。

    sick形容词,“恶心的;呕吐的”。feel sick 系表词组,“晕车;感到恶心、呕吐”。例如:

    We began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.船一起航,我们就觉得要呕吐。


    He’s a sick man.他是个病人。

    She has been sick for six weeks.她已病了六周。

   11. It was made of metal and really tall.它是金属做的并且是如此的高。

    be made of“由……制造;”(能看出原材料):

    Most of the bottles are made of glass.多数瓶子是由玻璃制造的。(瓶子还能看出玻璃)


    ①be made in制造于:This car is made in the U.S.这辆车是美国制造的。

    ②be made (up)of“由……组成;由……构成”:

    Every class is made up of 50 students in the school.该校每班有50名学生。

    ③be made from“由……制造”(不能看出原材料):

    The wine is made from grapes.这酒是由葡萄制的。(酒里面看到葡萄)

   12. When the coach stopped, we all got off quickly.旅游车一停下,我们都迅速下了车。

    get off“下车;下来”:

    I’ll get off at the next station.我要在下一站下车。


   ①get back“返回;回来”:

    I’ll get back from Shanghai in two weeks.两周后我将从上海回来。

    ②get down“下来;下车”:

    He can’t get down. Can you help him?他下不来了,你能帮帮他吗?

    ③get up“起床;起立”:I get up at six o’clock every morning.我每天早上六点起床。

    ④get ready for“为……准备好”:You go and get ready for the trip.你去旅行做好准备。

    ⑤get out“出来;拿出来”:

    A young man got out.一个年轻人出来了。

    He got out his book.他拿出他的书。

    ⑥get on with sb.“与某人相处”:

    How are you getting on with your classmates?你和你的同学相处得怎么样?

   13.There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world.


    over=more than,“多于,超过”。例如:

    He spoke for over one hour.他说了一个多钟头。

    places of interest名胜古迹:

    There are many places of interest in China.中国有许多名胜古迹。

   14.Kitty’s classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page.


    teach oneself=learn by oneself“自学”

    I teach myself English.=I learn English by myself.我自学英语。

   15.It was interesting to see so many places of interest from all over the world.



    Don’t speak so fast.别说得那么快。

    I’ve never seen so beautiful a city.=I’ve never seen such a beautiful city.




    such a man这样的一个人

    such flowers那样的花

    shut the window with such force关窗关得这么重


    He runs so quickly.他跑得很快。

    Bob is so tall.鲍勃个子这么高。





    such a nice city=so nice a city如此美丽的城市

    such a lot of people=so many people这么多人

    There is so little water left.剩下的水不多了。

    so much water这么多水

   16.You can take a taxi around the center of Beijing to learn more about old Beijing.



    There are a lot of trees and flowers around our school.在我们学校周围有许多树和鲜花。



    The dog looks round(或around)and run away.那条狗朝周围看了一下,跑掉了。(round和around为副词)

    Next year they will travel round(或around) the world.明天他们将环球游行。(round和around为介词)

   17.Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip today, Mr Wu.


    trip名词,(可数名词)旅行;(尤指)远足:a weekend trip周末旅行

   〖注意〗trip, travel和journey的区别:


    We’ll make a trip on Sunday.这个星期天我们将去旅游。


    Travel was slow and dangerous in England a thousand years ago.



    He went on a long journey.他进行了一次长途旅行。

   18.I hope to watch the sunset.我希望看日出。

    to watch是动词不定式,在句中作谓语动词hope的宾语。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能作谓语,但仍保留动词的特点,即可以有自己的宾语和状语。动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。下列动词后可以跟动词不定式作宾语:want, plan, agree, decide, choose, hope, learn,     prepare, begin, try, like.例如:

    She wanted to borrow my CD player.她想借我的CD机。

    They decide to help the old man.他们决定帮助那位老人。

    We planned to leave at 3 p.m.我们计划下午三点离开。

    I hope to watch the sunset.我希望看日落。

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